Alumni Update
By Bart Gummere, Associate Head of School for College Counseling and Alumni Relations
AN IMPORTANT PART OF MY NEW ROLE IS TO connect with all our alumni and learn more about their experiences after leaving Eastside Prep. I could not be more excited about this work. In fact, it barely feels like work.
Our alumni group is growing in size and age. The 2019 graduation, highlighted in this issue, brings our total now to 328 graduates. I am interested in learning more about what and how each alumnus is doing, whether in the first term of college or now years into working life.
As a school, we are looking at many ways to engage our alumni in day-to-day school life. We’re tailoring events for our alumni, including our pub night and Mariner’s game events and we just held our first ten-year reunion for the Class of 2009. We’ll continue to sponsor an assembly for our current students in which recent graduates share their perspective of college life. With graduates working, in an ever-broadening array of jobs, I’d like to find ways to share our alumni’s work perspective and experience with our students as well. As an example, last spring Sarah Krawczak (EPS Class of 2012) was a member of our Women in Medicine panel (see page 19). Advisors and classroom teachers are also interested in working with our alums to help educate our students. This is true even for alumni who are too far away to speak in person. I’m assembling a network of graduates willing to communicate with our students on a one-to-one basis about a college or work experience. I’m eager to connect alumni to our current students.
I am looking forward to the opportunity to connect with our growing alumni population!

Please Keep in Touch
Feel free to reach out by email (bgummere@eastsideprep.org), phone (822-5668 ex 327), or come visit me on campus (free breakfast or lunch is available for all alumni). You can also keep up to date on alumni news through our Facebook page, on Instagram, or on our new webpage (www.eastsideprep.org/alumni). Or check in with the Alumni Council member from your grad year (names and contact info listed below) to provide us with updates.
Your Alumni Council
2009—Looking for a volunteer
2010—Looking for a volunteer
Amanda & Dana Gibbon (2011)
Mara Brashem (2012)
Diane Halcoussis (2013)
Max Sheffield (2014)
Akshay Chalana (2015)
Chase Johnsen (2016)
Ryan Shaw (2017)
Ayush Sharma (2018)