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Program, Policies, and Protocols

Academic Standing

Middle School

Academic Review
In each trimester, any student who earns a grade point average below 2.0 (C = 2.0) or receives two or more course grades of D+ or below will participate in an Academic Review. A student who misses more than 25% of class time in any trimester may also undergo Academic Review.

Academic Review automatically triggers measures to help the student regain academic standing. The first step is a meeting with the student, parents/guardians, Advisor, learning resource staff, and Middle School Head to identify areas of success and challenge, and to develop a plan for the upcoming trimester.

Following the Academic Review, students will need to earn a GPA of greater than 2.0 in the following trimester (with no more than one grade of D+ or below) to be reinstated to good academic standing. Students who fail to meet this goal will undergo another Academic Review. Previously enacted measures will likely remain if they are believed effective. Additional measures will be taken as deemed appropriate by the student’s support team and may include modification of course schedule and suspension of participation in other school activities.

If a student does not regain academic standing, the decision to offer a re-enrollment contract and the timing of such an offer will be considered on a case-by-case basis. A student’s readiness for the Upper School program is the primary factor in a decision to counsel a student out of EPS.

Upper School

Academic Warning
In each trimester, any student who earns a grade point average below 2.0 (C = 2.0) or receives two or more course grades of D+ or below will be placed on Academic Warning. A student who misses more than 25% of class time in any trimester may also be put on Academic Warning.

Academic Warning automatically triggers measures to help the student regain academic standing. Those measures include more formal and frequent communication between all parties (student, teachers, Advisor, parents, learning resource staff and Division Head).

Once placed on Academic Warning, students will need to earn a GPA of greater than 2.0 in the following trimester (with no more than one grade of D+ or below) to be reinstated in good academic standing. Students who fail to meet this goal will be placed on Academic Probation. A student already on Academic Warning, who is absent for 20% or more school days during that trimester also may be subject to placement on Academic Probation regardless of GPA.

Academic Probation
The primary goal when a student is on Academic Probation is the return to good academic standing. Previously enacted measures will likely remain if they are believed effective. Additional measures will be taken as deemed appropriate by the student’s support team. Additional measures may include modification of course schedule and suspension of participation in other school activities.

If students on Academic Probation do not improve their grades by the end of the trimester in which they are on probation, the school will notify the families that enrollment for the coming year is in question.

Academic Credit

At times, students will desire to take coursework outside of EPS. The reasons may include, but are not limited to, remediation, advancement, or supplementation of our curriculum. EPS supports and encourages outside academic work but grants credit for this work toward our own graduation requirements only in special cases and with prior consultation.

Repeating a course or doing supplemental summer work for remediation is encouraged in certain cases. A grade earned in such cases does not replace or erase the grade initially earned in the class on our transcript with the following exception. With prior permission from the Division Head, students who fail a class may raise the grade to a D* thereby earning credit. D* will indicate an initial failure, raised to passing credit through supplementary work.

Advanced Placement (AP) Program at EPS

Eastside Preparatory School believes that the best way to fulfill our mission to cultivate critical thinking, responsible action, compassionate leadership, and wise innovation is to design courses that prioritize depth over breadth, flexibility over a predetermined body of knowledge, and authentic assessment over standardized test-taking.

EPS faculty, as experts in their fields and specialists on the needs of each individual student, design learning experiences that fuel a love of learning by promoting curiosity, collaboration, deep exploration, and personalized expression. Since its inception, Eastside Preparatory School has chosen not to offer AP courses as part of its curriculum. We have made this choice with intention and careful consideration, weighing the merits of the College Board’s AP program against the best interests of our students.

The history of the Advanced Placement program dates to the 1950s. Its foundational purpose is to make college level coursework available to high school students. AP course syllabi are audited by The College Board, which also administers summative examinations for each course. Since the late-twentieth century, AP courses have become ubiquitous in American secondary education and are now widely available at both public and private high schools. Some colleges and universities accept AP exam scores in fulfillment of undergraduate requirements, awarding either placement or credit to students.

We acknowledge that some benefits do accrue to students when they enter college with strong scores on AP exams and that some of our courses introduce much of the content covered on those exams. For those reasons we make AP exams available to EPS students on our campus each spring. We encourage students to choose AP exams carefully and in consultation with a teacher, advisor, or college counselor, recognizing that the preparation required may detract from the time available for EPS coursework. Teachers are available for consultation on AP curriculum and alignment with EPS courses, but do not tutor or provide specialized instruction to prepare students for AP exams.

While AP coursework once provided a measure of distinction for leading independent schools, many such schools have dropped AP courses from their catalogs in recent years. Their reasoning varies, but most recognize that the broad scope of a survey course and the demands of a comprehensive exam at the end push teachers and students to skim the surface of a broad body of information, prioritizing memorization of facts and practice of test-taking skills over deep understanding, conceptual thinking, and meaningful application of ideas.

After-School Activities

After-school activities include an array of offerings that will appeal to a variety of interests. These activities complement the curriculum to (1) provide opportunities for hands-on, experiential learning, (2) respond to the interests of students, and (3) to provide a relaxed, social learning environment. For more information, please go to the Co-Curriculum page of our Current Families website.


Reporting Student Attendance

To report a student’s absence or late arrival to school, parents/guardians should utilize the attendance feature on Four11 ( If a student’s absence is due to illness, provide a brief list of symptoms to assist in tracking illnesses currently present in our student community. You may also use the Four11 attendance feature to notify the school if a student must leave early for any reason (i.e., doctor’s appointments or special events). If a student is arriving late or leaving early, the student must be signed in/out in the school office by a parent/guardian, or a parent/guardian must provide the student with a written and signed note. In the event of absence, students are expected to take the initiative and work with faculty to address any missed work or assignments.

For additional assistance with any attendance matter, email, or call 425.822.5668 option 2.

Absences: Broadcasting

When recording a student’s absence, a parent/guardian may also request broadcasted classes on a per-period basis. It is important to note that broadcasting enables students to observe classroom activities; it is not participatory. Broadcasting is available to allow students to remain current on topics discussed in class but does not constitute attendance. Students must be in person for 70% of each course to earn credit.

Absences: Planned and Unplanned

Students are asked to respect the school program’s integrity and faculty efforts by arriving on time, being prepared, and using class time productively. Please avoid taking students away from classes other than when illness or other unavoidable circumstances occur. Eastside Preparatory School makes an effort to assist families with vacation planning by publishing the school year calendar as early as possible. If an unavoidable absence is anticipated, complete the Student Absence Request Form as soon as possible.

Absences: Illness

Eastside Preparatory School prioritizes its community members’ health and wellness, and in the event of illness, families are expected to keep students at home and may receive further guidance from the School Nurse, including the latest guidance for a safe and healthy return to school.  Students who feel well enough to do so may access broadcasted classes. It’s important to note that broadcast allows students to observe classes but is not participatory. For this reason and because we value the community built through in-person attendance, students who access classes through broadcast are still considered to be absent.

Absences: Academic Impact & Extensions

The expectation at Eastside Preparatory School is that students will complete homework and all other assignments on time. From time to time, due to illness or emergency, a student may request an extension of deadline. A request for an extension of deadline on any assignment, via email or in person, should be made directly to the teacher who has assigned the homework. Requests for extended deadlines may be granted or denied by the teacher. Each teacher is responsible for determining the extended due date. In all cases, the teacher’s deadline is the official deadline.

The policy of Eastside Preparatory School is that no assignment deadline may extend beyond seven calendar days from the date on which a student returns to school or beyond the date on which the assignment was due, whichever is later. While no teacher may extend the deadline beyond seven calendar days, a teacher may elect to require an earlier deadline. The purpose of this policy is to prevent students from accumulating more past due assignments than they can reasonably complete. In the case of prolonged illness or other lengthy health-related absences, the Division Head will work with teachers and other support staff to accommodate students and/or modify curriculum.

Absences: After-School Activities

Students absent for all or part of a school day, with the exception of medical or other excused appointments, may not participate in any extracurricular activities on the day of the absence, including sports games or arts performances. To participate in after-school activities, a student must be on campus by 9:30 am. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by their Division Head.

Excessive Absences

Attendance and participation in class are seminal components of the Eastside Preparatory School experience. Students must be present for at least 70% of a given course to be granted credit. When a student’s absence from class becomes a significant concern, the Division Head and the Head of School will automatically review the student’s achievement as well as any unique circumstances in order to make a decision about whether the student will be allowed to complete the class for credit or whether withdrawal is necessary. When continued progress in the class for credit is allowed, receipt of credit will be contingent upon the expectations determined by the Division Head and Head of School.

Repetitive Tardiness

While occasional tardiness may be reasonable to expect, repeated tardiness is not. In the event that a student is repeatedly late for class, the student and their family will be notified by the Division Head. In some cases, including (but not limited to) when a student is tardy to 30% or more of the trimester’s class meetings, credit may not be granted.

canvas™: EPS Learning Management System

Parents/guardians and students have access to electronic data that tracks student progress. The purpose of this service is to allow students and parents/guardians to monitor assignment completion and to gain a general sense of the student’s status in the class. Electronic data is not as timely as direct communication with teachers. Students and parents/guardians are urged to contact teachers with questions about assignments at any time.

Digital Media Policy

Eastside Preparatory School strives to provide its students with contemporary learning opportunities, including the opportunity to develop and produce digital multimedia materials. In support of its goal and in support of its students’ creative innovations and the rights of individuals, Eastside Prep has the following Digital Media Policy.

Each student developing and producing any and all original, digital multimedia materials (“student media works”) for school-related matters and/or produced on campus or during school time, including class assignments and projects, owns the copyright to those materials. Upon submission of assignments or projects, students acknowledge that Eastside Prep may use portions or all of student media works for educational purposes and may do so under the Fair Use Doctrine. To the extent that any license is needed for school use, each student grants Eastside Prep an irrevocable, non-exclusive perpetual license to use in whole or in part, to reproduce with proper credit noted—and to publish or otherwise post for school-related purposes—student media works.

Students may not post, share, or print content involving any Eastside Prep students, faculty, staff and administrator in any internal or external website for any purpose unless approved by an Eastside Prep teacher or administrator.

Student media works that depict school property, activities, other students at school, faculty and/or administration are prohibited unless prior written permission is granted by an appropriate faculty member or administrator. In such circumstances, faculty or administrator may impose certain conditions or restriction on use or transmission.

Use of student media works, in whole or in part, by other students for any purpose whatsoever, is not permitted without prior written permission from the author and approval of content by the faculty member in charge of the student project or the student’s Division Head.

Under no circumstances may any student media work falsely represent students, faculty, administration, staff or facilities, or violate any Eastside Prep policies, including but not limited to the school’s policies on Acceptance, Harassment, Honesty and Technology Use.



Returning EPS parents/guardians who previously OPTED IN are automatically signed up for the emergency text notification service and will receive a text message if an emergency arises at school. New families can OPT IN to EPSAlert notifications by texting YES to 87569. [Families who have not opted in (e.g. new phone number, new to EPS, etc.) will also be prompted to receive future text notifications with the initial text they receive.] Parents/Guardians can opt out of the text notification service by texting the word STOP to 87569.

In the event of snow or other weather-related closures, go to


Emergency situations arise from unexpected weather as well as from accidents and deliberate actions. Regular fire drills and other practices for preparedness are conducted, a school-wide emergency plan is in place, and employees are familiar with emergency procedures. Copies of plans for critical events, snow/weather emergencies, and earthquakes are in the Division Offices.

School Closure

For any school closure announcements, we are listed as Eastside Prep at Closure schedules can be found online, and these are distributed to major radio and television stations. School closure announcements will also be put on the school phone line by 6:00 AM if possible. Remember that in a power outage situation, the school phone system will not work; however, we will make every attempt to use text messaging to notify families and employees if the school is without power.

Education Beyond the Classroom

In addition to our academic curriculum, athletics program, and clubs and activities, Eastside Prep provides Education Beyond the Classroom (EBC). EBC is comprised of four specific kinds of engagement: (1) EBC Fall Orientations, held in the first week of school and designed to prepare all students to launch the new school year with positive expectations. (2) EBC Service Learning Days are held several times during the academic year in grades 5-9. The purpose of this program is to introduce students to the needs of their communities, and to provide examples of ways in which they can contribute. (3) EBC Week takes place for a full week in the spring. Students select from a variety of options ranging from on-campus and local experiences to domestic and international travels. Information about EBC Week opportunities is presented each fall.

All components of Education Beyond the Classroom are important parts of our program and as such student participation is required.

Field Trips

Participating in community life and using community resources to enhance learning are important parts of Eastside Prep’s educational program. When students cannot be driven to field trip sites by faculty or staff on Eastside Prep school buses, transportation will be via charter vans or public transportation.

Grades and Assessment

Assessment Policy

In order to implement our mission to guide students to think critically, act responsibly, lead compassionately, and innovate wisely, academic performance assessments for students are intended to document progress toward meeting academic, artistic, and physical objectives. Such documentation is useful only as far as it conveys information that can be used by the recipient to improve performance, regardless of the level of achievement already reached, and within a period of time that assessment information can be used to enhance future performance.


At different intervals in the school year, students will receive feedback through (1) written comments, or (2) teacher/Advisor conferences. Students are encouraged to speak with their teachers if they have any questions or concerns about the grade or feedback they have received. Parents/guardians are also encouraged to speak directly with teachers and/or Advisors regarding any concerns.

Mid-Trimester 1 Indicator grade (not on transcript) from each teacher in each class and Mid-Trimester Conferences.
End of Trimester 1 Official term grade and student self-reflection.
Mid-Trimester 2 Progress Report with comment and indicator grade (not on transcript) from each teacher in each class.
End of Trimester 2 Official term grade.
Mid-Trimester 3 Indicator grade (not on transcript) from each teacher in each class and Mid-Trimester Conferences.
End of Trimester 3 Official term grade and student self-reflection.


Our program is academically rigorous and requires careful preparation for classes. As a college preparatory school, we want students to develop study habits that will enable them to handle the requirements of the college and university students they will become. At the same time, we are aware that active family lives and a host of out-of-school activities require students’ attention. Assigning homework enables continuous learning and allows teachers to use teaching time to maximum advantage.

An assignment calendar is maintained online for each class. If a student forgets an assignment, the student can check the class page on canvasTM to retrieve details on the expectations.

Late Assignments

The expectation is that students will complete homework and all other assignments on time. From time to time, due to illness or emergency, a student may request a deadline extension. A request for an extension of deadline on any assignment, via email or in person, should be made directly to the teacher who has assigned the homework. Requests for extended deadlines may be granted or denied by the teacher. Each teacher is responsible for determining the extended due date. In all cases, the teacher’s deadline is the official deadline.

The policy of Eastside Preparatory School is that no assignment may be turned in for credit beyond seven calendar days from the date it was due (or seven calendar days after the student has returned to school if the assignment was missed due to an absence). If that date falls within a school holiday/break, work will be accepted on the first school day after that break. While no teacher may extend the deadline beyond these dates, the teacher may elect to require an earlier deadline.


Dining service will be available to students and adults on a daily basis. To sign up for the lunch program, parents/guardians need to create an account through Students may also bring their own lunches and snacks to school. Students will have access to microwave ovens to heat their lunches. Please contact the Dining Services Director, if you have any questions about the lunch program.



In consideration of our neighbors in Linbrook Office Park, EPS community members must adhere to the parking signs and markings in the lot. All cars parking on the employee or student parking spots must be registered with parking stickers. Parents/guardians and guests may park in designated guest spaces only.

Technology Use

Technology at Eastside Prep is intended to enhance the educational and administrative work of the school. All users of the school’s network and computers must use them in a considerate, ethical, and lawful manner. The privilege of using Eastside Prep’s computer equipment may be revoked at any time for failure to abide by school technology policies.

Eastside Preparatory School computers may not be used for unlawful activities, commercial activities not under the auspices of EPS, personal financial gain, creating or sending e‐mail messages that may constitute harassment or discrimination, false statements that might damage someone’s reputation, or storing or distributing obscene images.

Respect for the intended use of accounts: User accounts are the property of Eastside Prep. The school authorizes the use of the accounts for specific academic purposes. A user who has been authorized to use an account may not disclose its password or make the account available to others who have not been authorized by school personnel to use it.

Respect for the integrity of the network and operating systems: Use of electronic facilities to send or download fraudulent, embarrassing, harassing, indecent, or intimidating messages is prohibited. Communication facilities should not be used for commercial purposes, including chain letters of any kind. Users who have intentionally damaged system hardware or software may be held financially responsible for their repair.

Respect for privacy: Users shall not intentionally seek or provide information on, obtain copies of, or modify data files, programs, or passwords belonging to other users without appropriate authorization. Attempts to gain unauthorized access to private information are not allowed. Searching through directories to find unprotected information likewise is a violation. Network managers will respect the privacy of accounts but may disable an account or access information in an account if concerns arise.

Respect for copyright: Law prohibits the unauthorized downloading, installation, use, storage, or distribution of licensed copyrighted materials, including text, sound, images or software on any computer used at school, including a student’s personal computer.

Email policy: The email system is the property of Eastside Prep and is provided for educational and administrative purposes. Personal email use is permitted, provided that it complies with all school policies and practices and does not interrupt the school’s services, result in extra costs, or interfere with other obligations at school. Users must behave in a considerate, responsible, ethical, and legal manner, complying with normal standards of courtesy, and drafting email and other electronic documents with the same care as any written communication. Eastside Prep does not assure the confidentiality of email. “Deleted” email messages can be retrieved. The school may access an Eastside Prep email user’s account without prior notice and without the consent of the user when required by and consistent with law, when there is reasonable cause to believe that violations of policy or law have taken place.

Internet policy: The use of computer accounts, network systems, and home-page presentations may be used only to support the program and facilitate the work of the administration, faculty, staff, and students.

Eastside Prep takes advantage of several resources online. In some cases, students are asked to establish an account outside the EPS domain. Before students are allowed to establish an account, resources are vetted in the same way that we vet textbook content. The aim is always to make the most current and highest quality resources available to our students. Concerns about identity exposure should be directed to the Director of Strategy, Technology, and Innovation.

Social Media

Eastside Prep manages and maintains several social media sites (including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).  Those social media sites are intended to provide EPS community members with information about the people and programs of the school.  Those sites are not intended for and may not be used by members of the EPS community (or others) to promote or solicit business, sales of any kind, services available, or political or other personal interests.

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