Absences and Tardiness
Reporting Student Attendance
To report a student’s absence or late arrival to school, parents/guardians should utilize the attendance feature on Four11 ( If a student’s absence is due to illness, provide a brief list of symptoms to assist in tracking illnesses currently present in our student community. You may also use the Four11 attendance feature to notify the school if a student must leave early for any reason (i.e., doctor’s appointments or special events). If a student is arriving late or leaving early, the student must be signed in/out in the school office by a parent/guardian, or a parent/guardian must provide the student with a written and signed note. In the event of absence, students are expected to take the initiative and work with faculty to address any missed work or assignments.
For additional assistance with any attendance matter, email, or call 425.822.5668 option 2.
Absences: Broadcasting
When recording a student’s absence, a parent/guardian may also request broadcasted classes on a per-period basis. To ensure that faculty members have sufficient time to prepare for broadcasting, we ask that you make these requests via Four11 at least thirty minutes prior to the start of the requested class meeting.
It is important to note that broadcasting enables students to observe classroom activities; it is not participatory. Broadcasting is available to allow students to remain current on topics discussed in class but does not constitute attendance. Students should be in person for 70% of each course to earn credit.
Absences: Planned and Unplanned
Students are asked to respect the school program’s integrity and faculty efforts by arriving on time, being prepared, and using class time productively. Please avoid taking students away from classes other than when illness or other unavoidable circumstances occur. Eastside Preparatory School makes an effort to assist families with vacation planning by publishing the school year calendar as early as possible. If an unavoidable absence is anticipated, complete the Student Absence Request Form as soon as possible.
Absences: Illness
Eastside Preparatory School prioritizes its community members’ health and wellness, and in the event of illness, families are expected to keep students at home and may receive further guidance from the School Nurse, including the latest guidance for a safe and healthy return to school. Students who feel well enough to do so may access broadcasted classes. It’s important to note that broadcast allows students to observe classes but is not participatory. For this reason and because we value the community built through in-person attendance, students who access classes through broadcast are still considered to be absent.
Absences: Academic Impact & Extensions
The expectation at Eastside Preparatory School is that students will complete homework and all other assignments on time. From time to time, due to illness or emergency, a student may request an extension of deadline. A request for an extension of deadline on any assignment, via email or in person, should be made directly to the teacher who has assigned the homework. Requests for extended deadlines may be granted or denied by the teacher. Each teacher is responsible for determining the extended due date. In all cases, the teacher’s deadline is the official deadline.
The policy of Eastside Preparatory School is that no assignment deadline may extend beyond seven calendar days from the date on which a student returns to school or beyond the date on which the assignment was due, whichever is later. While no teacher may extend the deadline beyond seven calendar days, a teacher may elect to require an earlier deadline. The purpose of this policy is to prevent students from accumulating more past due assignments than they can reasonably complete. In the case of prolonged illness or other lengthy health-related absences, the Division Head will work with teachers and other support staff to accommodate students and/or modify curriculum.
Absences: After-School Activities
Students absent for all or part of a school day, with the exception of medical or other excused appointments, may not participate in any extracurricular activities on the day of the absence, including sports games or arts performances. To participate in after-school activities, a student must be on campus by 9:30 am. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Middle School Head.
Excessive Absences
Attendance and participation in class are seminal components of the Eastside Preparatory School experience. Students should be present for at least 70% of a given course to be granted credit. When a student’s absence from class becomes a significant concern, the Division Head and the Head of School will automatically review the student’s achievement as well as any unique circumstances in order to make a decision about whether the student will be allowed to complete the class for credit or whether withdrawal is necessary. When continued progress in the class for credit is allowed, receipt of credit will be contingent upon the expectations determined by the Division Head and Head of School.
Repetitive Tardiness
While occasional tardiness may be reasonable to expect, repeated tardiness is not. In the event that a student is repeatedly late for class, the student and their family will be notified by the Division Head. In some cases, including (but not limited to) when a student is tardy to 30% or more of the trimester’s class meetings, credit may not be granted.
After-School Pick Up
Student Pick up 3:15 pm – 3:30 pm
Class ends each day at 3:00 pm. Faculty are available for consultation with students and parents/guardians until 3:30 pm. Students who do not have EPS after-school activities should depart campus or be picked up between 3:15 pm and 3:30 pm. At 4:00 pm, all buildings on campus—except After-School Study Hall location—will be locked and closed to students, unless the students are part of a club, sport or other group authorized to use the space. |
After-school Hours 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Unless special programs and events are scheduled, After-School Study Hall will be available until 6:00 pm. Students who do not report to After-School Study Hall and remain in this space until they are picked up will lose the privilege of staying on campus after school. Loss of such privileges may be for a short time or the full year, at the discretion of the Division Head.
Closed Campus
Students are expected to remain on campus from the time they arrive at Eastside Prep in the morning until they leave campus (by either bus transportation or parent pick-up), and to use unassigned time at the school responsibly. Our campus includes our buildings and the immediate surrounding areas only. Students should be only inside EPS buildings, in designated walking or play areas, or traveling from one building to another. Excluding authorized field trips or other supervised activities, students are not to leave campus (e.g. go to Burgermaster or the gas station) during the school day or before after-school activities. For instance, students in the Middle School may not go to the store and then return to campus to wait for pick-up.
Missed Work
With the support of faculty, students are responsible for making up work missed during absences. In the event of a planned absence, students should communicate with their teachers, preferably in person, to accommodate the absence.
The expectation is that students will complete homework and all other assignments on time. From time to time, due to illness or emergency, a student may request an extension of the deadline. A request for an extension of the deadline on any assignment should be made directly to the teacher who has assigned the work. Requests for extended deadlines may be granted or denied by the teacher. Each teacher is responsible for determining the extended due date. In all cases, the teacher’s deadline is the official deadline.
The policy of Eastside Preparatory School is that no assignment may be turned in beyond seven calendar days from the date it was due (or seven calendar days after the student has returned to school if the assignment was missed due to an absence). If that date falls within a school holiday/break, work will be accepted on the first school day after that break. While no teacher may extend the deadline beyond these dates, the teacher may elect to require an earlier deadline.
Signing In/Out
Students arriving or leaving at times other than regular arrival and departure times must have parents/guardians or another authorized person sign them in or out at the TALI front desk.