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Creating a Positive Community

At Eastside Prep we expect students to contribute to the perpetuation of a positive, productive, and respectful culture. If behavior is not consistent with expectation—using school rules, principles of respect, and common sense as a guide—adults will speak to the student to request a change in behavior. This conversation is always the first and most important reminder that we share a learning community at EPS, and everyone has a responsibility to support it. If a simple request is not sufficient to produce the desired change, the following consequence may result:  parents/guardians may be notified at any stage of the process, depending on the circumstances surrounding the behavior. Parents/guardians are notified when the students demonstrated their inability to solve the problem on their own or when the school believes notification is necessary for the productive continuation of the students’ education.


When a student does not follow the school’s guidelines or community expectations, possible consequences are listed below. Please note that this list is not exhaustive, nor are these examples of possible consequences in an order in which they may occur.  Rather, they are options for the school in responding to student choices that negatively affect the community.  The imposition of any consequences for any violation of school guidelines or community expectations is at the sole discretion of the Head of School, and students are not entitled to any compulsory hearing or grievance process.  The Head of School reserves all rights to enforce school guidelines or community expectations as if those rights were expressly set forth in this handbook.

Loss of Privilege
Students who do not respect the privileges they have may lose them. For example, a student who is inconsiderate in the library may not be allowed to use it.

In-house or at-home suspension may be recommended in situations in which the student’s loss of privilege or disciplinary conference has not been effective in altering the student’s behavior. Suspension may also be called for when the student has demonstrated willful intent to violate policies or to resist the advice of members of the school community. Physical altercations such as hitting, may result in an immediate suspension at a minimum

Disciplinary Probation
Students whose behavior demonstrates serious or recurring disregard for the spirit of the rules and expectations of Eastside Preparatory School, or who demonstrate the inability to adhere to said expectations, may be placed on Disciplinary Probation. Disciplinary Probation typically triggers measures to help the student regain good standing. The first step is a meeting with the student, parents/guardians, Advisor, and Middle School Head to identify areas of success and challenge, and to develop a plan for the upcoming trimester. The decision to offer a re-enrollment contract for students on Disciplinary Probation and the timing of such an offer will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

If in the Head of School’s opinion, a student’s continued presence is harmful to Eastside Preparatory School or the student involved, the Head may expel a student even on the first offense.

Disciplinary actions are confidential between the school and the student.  No information may be shared about a student to anyone other than the student’s family. Allegations made by anyone against anyone else will be managed confidentially, i.e., the aim is to solve the problem as opposed to placing blame.  There are no announcements about disciplinary actions to faculty, students, or parents/guardians, apart from matters with which they have direct, personal experience.

Outcomes of Your Positive Contributions to the Community

When a student has chosen to follow the school’s guidelines, the rewards are growth as a person, full participation in the life of the school, and satisfaction gained from knowing that the student has helped create and sustain the unique community that is Eastside Prep.

Ultimately, our goal is to create a positive and respectful learning environment in which students and adults share in the joy and power of learning!

Good luck this year!

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