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Daily Rules

Campus Cleanliness

Maintaining the appearance of our facilities is the responsibility of all members of the community.

  • Everyone is responsible for disposing of litter properly whether it is one’s own, or someone else’s. We must all work together to care for the space we share.
  • Food consumption is limited to the Levinger-Poole Commons and patio. Students are responsible for cleaning up after eating.
  • Backpacks, books, and other belongings should be kept in one’s locker.
  • Backpacks should not be left lying around classrooms, stairwells, or hallways.
  • Advisor Groups, on a rotating basis, are responsible for cleaning the LPC at the conclusion of each lunch period.

Conduct Outside EPS

In the event a student’s behavior outside the community (and beyond the jurisdiction of the school regarding disciplinary response) reflects negatively on the reputation of the school or negatively impacts another member of the school community, the Head of School reserves the right to review the student’s standing in the community. The decision about the action to be taken rests with the Head of School, and ranges from simple censure to expulsion. This policy includes online behavior as well as cyber-bullying, whether between EPS community members, or from community members about EPS.


In our school community, students are expected to respect speakers, teachers, classmates, or others leading meetings. Rudeness, unkindness, or malicious behavior—either physical or verbal—will not be tolerated. This includes behavior in assemblies, classrooms, during lunch, on school transportation, and all extra-curricular activities.

Dress Code

The goal of the Dress Code is to foster an environment conducive to learning. The Dress Code applies to all school functions, including dances. Some Dress Code guidelines are presented below, but all decisions regarding Dress Code violations are at the sole discretion of the faculty, staff, and administration.

Clothing should be appropriate for a school and a learning environment. Clothing should be free of offensive, sexually suggestive, violent, drug/alcohol references, or other such content that is detrimental to the learning environment.

Footwear is required at all times.

Dress for PE classes (including sports practicing during the school day) requires:

  • An EPS T-shirt (This shirt should be worn for class only)
  • Athletics shorts or pants (PE), Yoga pants or sweats (Yoga)
  • Athletic shoes that provide foot and ankle support (avoid skate shoes and lifestyle sneakers.)
  • Sweatshirt and/or sweatpants (optional)
  • A rain jacket (optional)
  • A water bottle
  • A combination lock (if using a locker in the locker room)
  • Proper dress is required for each day of PE class to earn credit for the course.

Drugs, Alcohol, and Smoking

The use or possession of drugs, alcohol, and/or tobacco/vaping products is prohibited

Fund Raising

Students wishing to raise funds for outside organizations may do so only after obtaining expressed permission from the Division Head. Under no circumstance will students be permitted to use the EPS campus, email accounts, or other school resources for personal profit.


At EPS, every member of our community has the right to expect that we will be accepted and respected by our peers and teachers. Harassment is a form of unlawful discrimination as well as disrespectful behavior which will not be tolerated. It is the policy of EPS to oppose and prohibit, without qualification, unlawful harassment based on any student’s membership in any class protected by federal, state, or municipal law. Any unlawful harassment of a student by a member of the school community is a violation of this policy.

Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying

EPS strives to create an educational environment in which all individuals are treated with dignity and respect and free from emotional or physical harm. EPS strictly prohibits harassment, intimidation, and bullying of students in the EPS community on campus, at school sponsored events, through digital means or social media, or by any other method that would disrupt the targeted student’s access to education at EPS.

Harassment, intimidation, or bullying means an intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act that:

  • Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property;
  • Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education;
  • Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or
  • Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.

Conduct that may rise to the level of harassment, intimidation, or bullying may include, but is not limited to slurs, rumors, jokes, drawings/cartoons, ostracism, physical attacks or threats, or other written, oral, physical or electronically transmitted messages or images.

EPS is an educational institution that welcomes the open exchange of ideas, even those that may be controversial. Nothing in this policy is intended to prohibit the expression of religious, philosophical, or political views in an educational setting, provided that this expression does not substantially disrupt the educational environment.

If a student believes they have been subjected to harassment, intimidation, or bullying, the student should report this matter to their Division Head, and it will be promptly investigated. EPS prohibits retaliation of any type against any student reporting harassment, intimidation, or bullying. No student will be disciplined for making a report of harassment, intimidation, or bullying in good faith, even if the report is unfounded. However, knowingly making a false report of harassment, intimidation, or bullying is a violation of EPS policy and may subject the student making the false report to discipline.

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence

EPS prohibits sexual harassment towards any member of the EPS community. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical contact, or other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature if:

  • Submission to that conduct or communication is made a term or condition, either explicitly or implicitly, of obtaining an education;
  • Submission to or rejection of that conduct or communication by a student is used as a factor in decisions affecting that student’s education; or
  • That conduct or communication has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with a student’s educational performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment.

This applies whether the harassment is between people of the same or different gender. Sexual harassment can include unwelcome verbal, written or physical conducted, directed at or related to a person’s gender, such as sexual gossip or personal comments of a sexual nature, sexually suggestive or foul language, sexual jokes, demanding sexual favors, forcing sexual activity by threat of punishment or offer of educational reward, display or sending of pornographic pictures or objects, or offensive touching, pinching, grabbing or hugging.

This policy also prohibits any type of sexual violence. Sexual violence is a physical act of aggression or force or the threat thereof which involves the touching of another’s intimate parts or forcing a person to touch any person’s intimate parts.

If a student believes they have been subjected to sexual harassment or sexual violence, the student should report this matter to their Division Head, and it will be promptly investigated. EPS prohibits retaliation of any type against any student reporting sexual harassment or sexual violence. No student will be disciplined for making a report of sexual harassment or sexual violence even if the report is unfounded. However, knowingly making a false report of sexual harassment or sexual violence is a violation of EPS policy and may subject the student making the false report to discipline.

Locker Policy

Eastside Prep provides lockers for student use as well as smaller lockers in the PE changing rooms. Students will be assigned a regular locker at the beginning of the year (locks are optional) and a PE locker when involved in either PE class or athletics (locks are required). The combinations must be turned into the main office for future reference in case combinations are forgotten or lockers need to be accessed in an emergency. Lockers should be kept clean and no permanent markings, stickers, adhesives, etc. should be placed in or on the lockers.

Property Rights of Others

Absolute respect for the property rights of others and the school is expected of all members of the community. Stealing, vandalism, or unauthorized “borrowing” will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action.


The use or possession of any weapon or anything that may be used as a weapon, including but not limited to small pocketknives, is prohibited.

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