Equity and Inclusion Virtual Speaker Series

Beyond the Model Minority: Asian American Histories of Resistance and Renewal in the Pacific Northwest and Beyond – Dr. Megan Asaka

In this talk, Dr. Megan Asaka will examine how Asian Americans have responded to, challenged, and resisted anti-Asian racism and injustice. Though often portrayed as passive “model minorities,” Asian Americans have a rich legacy of resistance and militant action that has long been overlooked. Focusing on historical accounts from in and beyond the Pacific Northwest, Dr. Asaka will offer a new understanding of the Asian American past as a pathway for future action.

Join the virtual talk on March 13 from 6:00-7:15 pm. Click here to register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_D6NWKDAbTDGt9wFQ7BJZyQ#/registration