Julius Bzozowski
Golf Coach
Julius is our first-year head coach of the Varsity Golf Team at Eastside Prep. He grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia and is a diehard Philadelphia sports fan. Julius is equally passionate about coaching and growing young athletes into great, well-rounded people. Julius loves competing and creating a winning, sustainable culture. He also believes it’s important to have all of his players compete with class and have respect for the game, opponents, and themselves.
Julius is known for always having a smile on his face as well as his professional attitude. These traits are what make Julius a valued piece of the Overlake Golf and Country Club Golf Staff, where he works in addition to coaching at Eastside Prep. Julius lives in Kirkland and has many interests outside of sports. A few of these include trying different cuisines, taking in the arts, and spending quality time with loved ones. Let’s Go Eagles!