Mo Zhou


B.S. Computer Science, Beijing University, China; Ph.D. Computer Science, Indiana University Bloomington

Mo is excited to join the EPS community in 2023, where she will be one of the Tech teachers in the Upper School. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Beijing University, China, and a Ph.D. from Indiana University Bloomington. Prior to joining EPS, she spent the past 10 years at Microsoft, where she developed her professional skills and expertise.
Mo has always been passionate about personal growth, mentoring others, and contributing to the community. She taught computer science classes at IUB for five years and received the AI of the Year award. She also served as the captain of the women’s mentoring ring, assisting women engineers in advancing their careers. Additionally, she led patent applications within the organization, encouraging engineers to innovate. Mo’s initiative, the One Book One World Asian Book Drive in WA, aimed to improve cultural competence in schools.

“I believe that embracing the gifts life presents is the key to setting extraordinary people apart. I am extremely excited to join EPS and eagerly look forward to dedicating 100% of my heart to education.”