Inter-School Affinity Meet Up for Upper School Students
We are excited to invite EPS Upper School students to our first Inter-school Student Affinity Meet-up on Thursday, May 13 from 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM!
This event, which was proposed and initiative by students of Charles Wright, Eastside Prep, and Forest Ridge School, seeks to bring students who share a common identity together to meet, share experiences and plan for future activities.
Affinity groups are gatherings for people who share a common identity and can speak from the “I” perspective about that identity. This event will be an opportunity to gather in affinity groups with students from other schools to connect, ask questions and collectively address common concerns.
If you would like to participate in this first inter-school affinity meet-up, please sign up here and a Zoom link will be sent to you. You will also be able to select your affinity group when you register.
If you are interested in joining the group but are unable to attend the inaugural event, or have ideas to contribute for the vision of the group, please contact Dr. Castro and Ms. McKinney at eicl@eastsideprep.org.