By Wendy Lawrence, Inspire Contributor


Top: Tadas Kisielius
Middle: Scott Peyree
Bottom: Joseph Wright

Tadas Kisielius has been part of the Eastside Prep Community for two years. “We were very intentional in pursuing EPS for our son because we felt like his learning style and his intellectual curiosity would thrive in the kind and supportive learning environment that EPS creates for its students.” Kiselius has been excited about the way EPS has delivered on its mission, especially during a pandemic.

He is joining the board because he also believes in this mission and hopes that the skills he brings as a land use and regulatory lawyer can help support and guide the school’s future. He has advised company boards and understands nonprofit spaces. “While I am excited to help with the range of issues on the Board’s agenda, I think there is a unique opportunity to take the knowledge gained from the response to the pandemic and leverage it as we turn to face new challenges in an evolving world. In short, there is opportunity to utilize the kind of innovative thinking that EPS elicits from its students.”

Scott Peyree has two daughters at EPS. “My wife, Michelle, and I have always been drawn to EPS as the mission and style of education align broadly with our goals for our children. I obviously have a current vested interest with two children attending the school. But I am also the type of person that loves to think long term—not just about ongoing viability, but rather ability to thrive and grow over the long run.”

Peyree admires Dr. Macaluso and the culture and organization she has created and is excited to play a role in making sure that continues. “I want to
help set up our students to succeed both in the academic setting as well as the real world.”

Joseph Wright and his family loved EPS so much it’s the only school they applied to. His daughter (Class of 2024) and his son (Class of 2028) both started in fifth grade. “What impressed us was the focus on the holistic education of its students, with the aim of developing well-rounded, balanced young adults. I’m pleased to say that our experience so far has matched those initial impressions.” Wright wanted to join the board to help preserve and nurture the amazing
culture that is EPS, especially as both the school and the world around it go through big transitions.

“I would give enormous credit to Dr. Macaluso and her team for two signature achievements. The first is the development of state-of-the-art facilities from very humble beginnings. The second is the culture. This combination, together with the efforts of a talented and committed faculty, have created a truly wonderful school. This hasn’t happened overnight. It’s the result of a process of ongoing improvement each and every year. This positive ongoing evolution of the school is the model to take into the next twenty years and the board needs to contribute to that evolution.”