Virtual Equity & Inclusion Speaker Series
On March 24, as part of the area independent school Virtual Equity and Inclusion Speaker Series, Tiq Milan spoke about his transgender experience and how defining ourselves for ourselves can result in more love. Members of the EPS community together with over four hundred other audience members from twenty-four other area independent schools were present for Tiq’s inspiring, educational, and rejuvenating talk.
We are happy to be able to share a recording of Tiq Milan’s presentation for those who were not able to make it to see him speak live. See the link below, and please email EICL Co-Coordinators, Bess McKinney or Ed Castro with any questions at eicl@eastsideprep.org.
Recording of Virtual Equity and Inclusion Speaker Series Tiq Milan Presentation
The next Virtual Equity and Inclusion Speaker Series speaker will be Ijeoma Oluo, author of So You Want to Talk about Race and Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male America on May 18 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Look out for more details and how to RSVP for this exciting presentation in future Community Briefings.